Bus Tickets Wroclaw - Ivano-Frankivsk
Buses Wroclaw-Ivano-Frankivsk
If you are thinking about how to buy a ticket for Wroclaw-Ivano-Frankivsk, it makes sense to think about a bus ticket! Wroclaw Ivano-Frankivsk-the route is not so long that you must try to save time by taking a plane ticket. On the contrary, you can save money here, because for buses from Wroclaw to Ivano-Frankivsk, ticket prices are not high at all! In addition, the bus, for example, from the company East West Eurolines will recline the seat backs, air conditioning will work properly, and there will be Wi-Fi - wireless Internet! Why is this not a reason to take a ticket in the company East West Eurolines?
How to buy bus tickets from Wroclaw to Ivano-Frankivsk
On the official website of East West Eurolines you can find all the information you need! Specify that you are interested in the route Wroclaw-Ivano-Frankivsk, bus. The ticket price will be calculated for each flight. For beneficiaries who choose to travel on the route Wroclaw-Ivano-Frankivsk bus, the ticket price is reduced. You can choose your flight by time, price, and then choose a seat in the bus cabin. Then you can book tickets or buy them immediately. As payment methods are suitable online payment system «Privat24& raquo;, any terminal « PrivatBank», payment card or money transfer. After payment, East West Eurolines will send you an e-ticket. Don't forget to print it out before you return from the magic city of Wroclaw!
Magic Wroclaw
it is Impossible not to call the city of Wroclaw magical. This is a truly fabulous city full of old houses (each of which seems to be inhabited by fairies!), dwarfs, as if they came out of a fairy tale-the city is just littered with them. Sculptures, drawings-dwarfs everywhere! The locals call them "little people" - little people . But great people are also everywhere in Wroclaw, including our compatriots! A lot of people from Western Ukraine go to Wroclaw on a labor contract to earn a decent amount of money in a few years. There are a lot of students in Wroclaw, because a Polish diploma is still a diploma of the European Union! And there are a lot of tourists who came to breathe a little magic.
Going to Wroclaw as a tourist, worker or student? We are ready to take you to Wroclaw and back to Ivano-Frankivsk as quickly and inexpensively as possible! East West Eurolines is always waiting for your orders!